We have furnished our vast collection of Happy 21st Birthday Wishes. If it’s your Friend, Family Member, or loved one 21st Birthday so you should send them a warm Birthday Wishes and Greetings cards. 21st Birthday is an imperative Birthday because people is going in adultery age when they can legally take the drink and having wild parties with Friends. Turning 21st is a landmark, so your wishes would be as a message for them. Here is best 21st Birthday Wishes and Greetings which can help you to show your love for them. Hope you enjoy it.
Top 21st Birthday Wishes
1 – Happy 21st! You are now legal to drink us under the table if you want! However, we recommend taking it slow if you want to avoid a birthday hangover in the morning!
2 – As a twenty one year old, you should know whether 21 is a prime number or not. If you don’t know, you might have to ask someone younger, because the rest of the adults can’t remember school.
- 3 – Now that you’re twenty-one you are probably too mature to do foolish and ridiculous things that you’ll regret. That’s why the government decided to allow a substance to induce 12-15 year old behaviors. This way the general population will be able to stay immature.
- 4 – I cannot believe you are finally 21 years old! You have grown into such a beautiful/ handsome young man/ woman. I hope that you have the best birthday ever. Love, me.
- 5 – Your 21st birthday is going to be the best one you have ever had. We are going to make this a night you never forget-literally! Happy birthday my friend!
6 – Can you believe you are turning 21 today? I remember when you were just a little girl sitting on my knee. I hope you have a wonderful day today my (relation).
7 – Enjoy this champagne because you are now able to drink legally! Happy 21st birthday!
8 – Here is a my advice to you: the last 21 years went by so fast. I hope the next 21 are just as incredible as the first, just take your time to enjoy everything. Happy birthday dear!
9 – Turning 21 is a big deal. You have survived long enough to prove to the world you are a responsible, loving, and legal adult. Happy birthday, and here is to the next 21 years!
10 – Remember, if you can’t count backwards from 21 by sevens, you are probably having too good of a time at your 21st birthday party. Happy 21st birthday!
Best Happy 21st Birthday Greetings
11 – Twenty one is the magical age when responsibility starts to taste better than alcohol. Enjoy your new taste for responsibility.
12 – Your fake I.D. has expired! You’re 21! Happy Birthday!
13 – We only get to celebrate your 21st birthday once. So let’s party up and have a night you won’t forget.
14 – The law seems to encourage you to do two dangerous things on your 21st birthday: buy alcohol and buy a hand gun. It doesn’t seem smart to me, but hey, it’s America!
15 – I know you are excited about finally being able to buy a hand gun, but did you know that you can also legally buy alcoholic beverages at age 21? Most people only think about the hand gun thing.
Read more : 26th Birthday Wishes
Amazing 21st Birthday Wishes and Sayings
16 – Turning 21 is a big deal in anyone’s life, and I hope that you enjoy your 21st birthday as much as I did! Just remember to have fun but be safe!
17 – We are in the fast lane to the best 21st celebration ever. I know you are going to have a fabulous time tonight, happy birthday!
18 – For some reason twenty-one-year-old people are not able to blow out their candles as well as twenty year old people. No one knows why this is true, but anyone who has observed it will tell you that the twenty-year-old people are better with their aim for some reason.
19 – I cannot believe you are now legal! I am so glad I have someone who can supply me with alcohol! Just kidding, but happy birthday!
20 – I can’t think of a single reason someone would be excited to turn 21. Can you? Try to have a happy birthday anyway.
21 – Congratulations! Now that you are 21 it is now legal to kill yourself via brain and liver poisoning. At the same time you can spend money you shouldn’t, do risky things, and maybe do some things that aren’t legal that you would normally never do.
- 22 – We are going to wild and free tonight because you just turned 21! I hope you are ready for the best birthday of your life.
- 23 – When you turn 21, keep in mind that alcohol consumption is the leading cause of public humiliation and embarrassment across the globe. Remember that not all things that are legal are wise.
- 24 – I can’t believe that it’s finally arrived! I remember your first steps. I remember the first day you drove away from home alone, and now you are finally able to par and drink without worry of repercussions.
- 25 – The countdown to your thirties has started. Nine years to go!
- Read more : 37th Birthday Wishes
Fabulous Happy 21st Birthday Quotes
26 – You’ve made it through your driving birthday! You’ve made it through your graduation from high school! Now, it’s time to break out your dancing shoes and get ready to party! Happy 21st Birthday.
27 – You’ve endured 21 years of life, and you are still trucking through the world! You’ve had a lot going on, but for one day, enjoy your birthday! Happy 21st Birthday!
28 – Everyone focuses on telling you to drink responsibly when you turn 21, but I want to warn you of another danger. Eat responsibly, because your metabolism will be slowing down as you get older.
29 – It seems like only a year ago you were turning 20. What’s up with that?
30 – Congratulations! Now that you’re 21, you’re off “designated driver” duty. Have a few drinks and enjoy.
Read more : 50th Birthday Wishes
Awesome Happy 21st Birthday Wishes
31 – Congratulations! It’s now legal for you to vote, die in war, and be drunk all at the same time. That’s what I call responsibility.
32 – There is nobody I love more than you. I am so excited we can celebrate your 21st birthday in style. Cheers to an amazing night with the love of my life.
- 33 – There’s a reason that no one can become a U.S. president until the age of 35. It’s because of the years 21-34. That way you have 14 years to sober up and become President.
- 34 – It’s been 21 years since you came into our lives, and every day that you have been here has been a blessing! We love you! Happy 21st Birthday!
35 – There’s a reason they let you start drinking when you turn 21. It is the first birthday in your twenties when you realize you are getting closer to 30, and that’s not as fun as turning 20. So, here’s to depressing twenty one.