34 Birthday Wishes

Here is the vast collection of Happy 34th Birthday Wishes and Greetings. It can help you to make emotional whom you want to wish and dedicate these 34th Birthday Wishes on them 34th Birthday. When your Friend, Family Member, Loved One, Siblings, and someone else Birthday has shown up. You want to make it a special occasion that they will remember forever. SO here is the Birthday Wishes and Greetings which can help you to show your love for them. Find the best one and make a memorable Birthday of them. Hope you can pick out the coolest one by yourself.

Top Happy 34th Birthday Wishes

  • 1 – A simple celebration, a gathering of friends; here is wishing you great happiness, a joy that never ends.
  • 2 – I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found a friend like you. You make every day of my life so special. It’s my goal to make sure your birthday is one of the most special days ever. I can’t wait to party it up with you! Wish you a 34th Birthday my friend
  • 3 – On this special day of your life, I hope you get all whatever you have ever desired to have. I wish you all the world happiness, may you enjoy this amazing day as much as you can. A very happy birthday to my best friend, may you have a fabulous one. Wish you a 34th Birthday my friend

4 – When we reach 34, we begin to know how to take the good with the bad in life; but our lives are all the better for better understanding what the good is, and why we call it good. What we may have sensed at an earlier age is apparent at 34, just as our minds might struggle for the answer to a deep question, only to suddenly realize its answer in one profound moment.

5 – Having a friend like you has made my life so much easier. You are always there to carry me through my times of trouble. That’s why today, your special day, is a great time to celebrate all that you have done for me.Wish you a 34th Birthday my friend

6 – Like a summer’s day at peak, or a full and loving moon, a 34-year-old is at their prime, at once reflective May and contemplative June.

  • 7 – We have known each other forever. Every year, I tell you the same things on your birthday, and you make it sound like I’m so original. But that is just the kind of person you are: sweet, humble and caring. I hope you never get tired of hearing that. Wish you a 34th Birthday my friend
  • 8 – is a sweet age, in which either the strengths we’ve developed allow us to carry the world on our shoulders as though it were light as a feather, or in which we understand how to develop such strengths.
  • 9 – At 34 we temper our friendships with wisdom, and temper our wisdom with friendships.

10 – A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older. Happy 34th   Birthday.

Loving Happy 34th Birthday Wishes

  • 11 – By 34 we have begun to dictate the terms of our lives, and to have the greatest cause for optimism, which is only another word for the understanding of how to will ourselves to create happiness.
  • 12 – A true friend remembers your birthday but not your age. Happy34th   Birthday.
  • 13 – A great friend and a happy birthday. That’s what you are and that is what I wish for you.

14 – is the age at which we begin to understand ourselves: How we want to live, what we value, the friends who mean the most to us. Marking that age is marking a new part of life where self-awareness becomes the cause of our happiness and opportunities.

15 – At 34 life is sweet: Tempered both by youth and experience, we hold the best of the life in our hands, and the best of the world at our feet.

Coolest 34th Birthday Wishes and Sayings

16 – The best part of having you as my best friend is being able to act crazy and wild, and not have a care in the world. I truly feel as if I can let my hair down when I’m with you. Wish you a 34th Birthday my friend

17 – Best wishes for a happy day filled with love and laughter. Happy34th   Birthday.

18 – Best wishes for a joyous day filled with love and laughter. Happy34th   birthday.

19 – Celebrate your birthday today. Celebrate being Happy every day.

20 – Just as a full moon illumines the night, at turning 34 life is at its most luminous, revealing night flowers and other treasures that were once hidden in the darkness.

21 – A 34th birthday is a sign pointing towards who, what, and where we want to be in life. It is also a time when we realize the means to get there.

Best 34th Birthday Wishes

  • 22 – th birthdays are a time of great celebration, a time to recognize how far we’ve come, and the skills we’ve developed to bring happiness to ourselves and others.
  • 23 – Happy Birthday, my dear friend. I don’t know if I could ever convey to you just how much you mean to me. I can’t imagine where I would be right now without you. You have changed my life for the better.

24 – Another year has passed and let me just say how much we count on you rather than count the years. I wish you a wonderful birthday.

25 – An oak tree takes time to grow and strengthen, but it becomes one of the strongest things in nature. So it is with human beings as they reach their prime: At 34 the strengths we’ve developed begin to show their worth as we weather storms in difficult seasons and blossom in sweet times.

26 – Eat, drink and make merry because it is your birthday. Happy 34th  Birthday.

27 – Enjoy the music as your friends chant the lovely Happy Birthday song! Make the most of your big day today!