Congratulating to your Father for entering a new year of his life is the best way to express your warm feeling about him. Today you have an opportunity to express your gratitude of your Father. Birthday is an occasion when everybody expects to them loving Family Member and Friends that they will send them kind wishes and gifts. So your Father is in one of them. Today we have published our best compilation of Happy Birthday Wishes For Father. These wishes will help you to make your father emotional and happy. So browse our collection and pick out a beautiful one to make Father Birthday commemorate and joyful.

Happy Birthday Greetings For Father

1 ) I am lucky that I was given the best father in the world, a father who truly loves me with all of his heart. Happy Birthday, father!

2 ) I know you don’t always like my choices or agree with me, but I know you’ll always be there right by my side to support me no matter what. Thank you for believing in me. Happy Birthday, Father!

3 ) Father… like the shade of a tree, you’re my life’s canopy. Happy birthday.

4 ) Love and laughter are two of the things that you have given me that make life more fun. Thanks. Happy Birthday.

5 ) Your soul is pure, your heart is priceless, and your wisdom is astounding. Happy birthday, Father!

6 ) Happy birthday to my beloved father! You‘ve taught me to be strong and never give up, to see the beauty in the most unexpected things, to love life! May your special day bring you lots of joyful moments to cherish!

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7 ) You taught me to use a compass, but really you’ve been my best navigator in life all along. I love you, Father!

8 ) Dad, you’re the greatest. It’s not just because you’re there for me through good times and bad. It’s also because you make the bad times good with your amazing love and support. Happy birthday!

9 ) Because of you, I am tall, dark and handsome! Thanks for the great genes. I’m hoping I can just be half as handsome as you at your age. Be proud of what you see in the mirror this birthday.

10 ) I’m sure I haven’t always been the perfect child, but you will always be the perfect dad for me. Thanks for everything you’ve done along the way, and I hope you enjoy your special day.

11 ) Thank goodness looks are genetic! I hope I look half as good as you do at your age. Have a great birthday, and don’t forget to stop by the mirror and celebrate that you just get better looking every year.

Happy Birthday Wishes For Father And Daughter

12 ) They say that wisdom comes with age. Today, you have to be the wisest man I know. Just kidding! Have a great birthday!

13 ) I am lucky that I love my father with all of my heart. I am really lucky to have a father that loves me with all of his heart. Happy Birthday.

14 ) People rub lamps to find genies while I simply call out my dad’s name. Happy birthday daddy.

15 ) From helping me up when I fell to taking me out for practice after I missed the winning goal, you’ve taught me to never give up. I owe my success in life to you, and can’t wait to take you out for your birthday.

16 ) Father… in my life’s treasure trove of memories, the ones we’ve shared together are the ones I miss the most. Happy birthday father.


17 ) Loving wishes for the most amazing Dad in the world! Stay fantastic, Happy Birthday!

18 ) Happy Birthday to the man who has taught me everything I know. I am so honored to share in your wisdom. I love you!

19 ) Dear dad, thank you for always being there for us without getting in the way of the decisions we make in life. May you have many more birthdays to come, happy birthday daddy!

20 ) Love and laughter are two of the best things that you have given me, dad! Thanks, happy birthday!

21 ) I feel stronger just knowing that my dad believes in me, and I feel blessed knowing that he loves me more than anything else in the whole world. Happy birthday dad.

22 ) I always wanted to grow up to be just like you, and I still haven’t changed my mind. You are my perfect example of strength and love, and I aspire to be the same type of dad to my kids that you have always been for me. Happy birthday!

23 ) Growing up, I used to admire all the trophies on your shelf. Today, I think you deserve the Best father in the World trophy! Enjoy your birthday!

Happy Birthday Wishes For Dads

24 ) I could never find a gift that would measure to the love you have showered me in.

25 ) To the best dad in the world: thank you for being there for me, and for urging me to be better and fight harder. I wouldn’t be who I am without your kind words and wise guidance. Happy Birthday, Father!

26 ) I know I wasn’t always the perfect child, but you have always been the perfect father. Thanks for fixing the little things I broke and for showing me how to correct my own mistakes as I grew. Enjoy your birthday today. I love you!

27 ) Dear Father, on your birthday, I want you to know that you are truly an inspiration, a friend and a teacher to all of us, Happy Birthday!

28 ) Father, you were there for me from the day I was born, always having my best interests in mind. You are one of the most important people in my life and I love you with my whole heart. Happy birthday, Dad!


29 ) Another year has gone by, and with each year that passes, I am reminded of just how lucky I am to have you in my life. Thank you for being there for me, Father.

30 ) You are more than a great Dad. You are an inspiration, a teacher and a friend. Happy Birthday.

31 ) They say that we learn from the ones who love us most. I am thankful to have been loved by you, for you have helped me to become the person I am today. Happy Birthday, Father!

32 ) You’ve taught me so many wonderful things. Every day, you continue to teach me more through your humble attitude and your vast knowledge. I am blessed to have you in my life.

33 ) Growing up, I always admired your awards. Today, I have to say that you deserve the Best Dad in the World award for all that you do. Have a happy birthday, Father. You deserve the best!

34 ) Today is the right time for me to say, how grateful I am to you for always showing me the way. Happy birthday father.

35 ) Dear dad, thank you for showing me how great the world is. I may need quite a lot of tips from you as I go on and face the challenges in life, so thank you in advance. Happy Birthday!

36 ) Happy birthday to the best father ever. I remember when you cleaned up my skinned knees, held my hand across the street, taught me how to reach for the stars. You are my inspiration and my hero.

37 ) You spent years teaching me right from wrong, yet you had the wisdom to know when to step back and let me make my own mistakes. You truly knew how to walk a fine line, and look at me…I turned out fine. Happy birthday to an amazing father.